Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Resnick avoidance (a slight return)

There are blonde people in the living room.

I'm not sure who they belong to.

Don't get me wrong, I have no real objection to them being there, it would just be nice to know when these things are going to happen. If only so I know whose head it is I'm clonking my door against when I go to brush my teeth at 3am. Anyway, the head in question seems to be fast asleep this morning, and now on the sofa, so I suppose it's probably ok.

Or unconscious.

But probably ok.

[Sighs] When do I get to live on my own again?


miss-cellany said...

Were the blonde people runaway wigs from over here. At 3am many things fled [in shock and terror] from the house when I had an epiphany moment.

[Don't hate me] I got Resnicked...Well, to be fair, I 'got' the point of so, so many writing hours spent on a script about a half Polish crap cop, with dodgy taste in sandwiches. Perhaps it was the 3am-ness, but I realised that we could have been doing the scene by scene for any script. Suddenly Nicker terror lost its grip on me... The surreal mental gymnastics required to 'get it down' seemed to give purpose to it all...


Occasional Poster of Comments said...

You do realise the prospect of surreal mental gymnastics is all that's keeping me going at the moment? Well, that and popcorn.

miss-cellany said...

It was worth it...so much mental freedom on the other side I could do a triple toe salko.

I think that might be ice skating...

Taiga the Fox said...

Any particular popcorn?

Occasional Poster of Comments said...

I had some other kind in mind too, but it was Butterkist Toffee :)

[Suddenly feels hungry and wanders off to the kitchen]