A comment on graffiti removal, perhaps?
I quite like this bit of graffiti. Sure, it's a cliché, but even clichés can be meaningful in the right context. Here, for instance, it's just not what you'd normally expect, either from graffiti, or the side of a bus shelter. Usually, there'd just be some advert calling upon you to think nothing more reflective than "Must consume", "Run Fat Boy Run," or "Jordan's written a children's book about ponies? Well, I'm sure that'll be marvellous. And doesn't at all make me despair for the future of the human race."
Could it also, perhaps, be a reference to the irregularity of Cornish buses?
Or am I just being a cynic? (as I do like it too)
There are buses?
Shouldn't you be writing a Hollyoaks script, M-C? I'm sure I read that somewhere...
Or did you find a time machine? If so, can I borrow it some time? Might be quite handy for deadlines... :)
Spernen Wyn Road is a serious contender for Best Street Name In Falmouth. Although I quite like Tehidy Slip.
Not sure about a favourite yet, but Fish Strand Hill is definitely the least pleasant.
Ah - t'all makes me miss Falmouth and all the strands of fish there abouts.
Fountain Ope, that's another good one. Marsha Klein claimed to have located a Squeeze Guts Alley in Falmouth too. It's probably just above Fish Strand Hill..
Ah, yes,I remember seeing that in your comments...
[A quick google later]
Turns out it's in Truro.
Jen: So when are you visiting? :)
I love that! I wonder if the maker of it has had an inspiration after the crack on the wall?
Hmm... the bus stop looks bit haunted ...
If someone did make a stencil to fit the cracks that would have been pretty ingenious... I quite like that idea :) But, sadly, I think someone just carved into it later; while frustratedly waiting for a particularly late bus, most probably.
Hmm, hadn't noticed before, but I see what you mean about the haunted look - you can quite imagine a ghost from, say, the fifties sheltering there at night, having a smoke as it once again waits for a bus it never caught.
Think that might have been me [a ghost from, say, the fifties sheltering there at night, having a smoke as it once again waits for a bus it never caught.]
Great information. Couldn’t be written much better!
can you freez mushrooms
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