Having checked thoroughly for typos...
Yay! Count Arthur Strong's back on the Radio!
Oh, right. I should probably say more, shouldn't I? OK. Here goes:
It's very funny.
There you go.
Now be off with you to that link above and listen to the first episode on Listen Again before they replace it with a new one*. Which will happen sometime after 11:30am on Wednesday. Yes, that's right, I'm a few days behind, but what else is new? (Seriously, please tell me. I'm a few days behind).
*Or don't. I know some of you actually have one of those time-consuming whadyamacallits... lives. So you guys can do whatever you like. Actually, you probably can't, what with all those responsibilities and such. Then again, at least you're all fulfilled and happy, so you probably don't need comedy radio programmes to cheer you up and make it all seem worthwhile... [feels sudden gnawing emptiness inside...... must be dinnertime].
There is always the possibility that you are a few days ahead - hence the confusion...
In fact, I'm more than a few days behind - I only got around to changing my calendar to February at the weekend. I'd change it to March, but I'm not sure I've had full value from February yet.
Plus, I really like [deep breath] Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate, A Second Before Waking Up [and relax].
I haven't had time to listen that play yet, surprisingly, but I met today someone who was Salvador Dali's mate, and I just realised how peculiar that all was.
That must be a really weird sensation, being sat in a room with someone and knowing that they knew Dali... Not sure what you'd call it, but I expect the Germans have some huge compound noun for it.
This gives a little more info on the idea behind Count Arthur, by the way. All the episodes kind of stand up on their own, so you don't really need to hear the first one. It doesn't sound that funny at first, but it kind of builds. And some bits just have me helpless. Hmm, on reflection, there are quite a few references that might be particularly English, though.
Lives are pesky things, aren't they? I remember when I had one... probably lost it down the back of a sofa somewhere.
Yep, I felt something like überirdisch verblüfftheit.
I listened to half of it, until it got cut off, I don't know why. Will try the next epidode.
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