I'm in a (partly cold induced) bad mood. I'm quite enjoying it. I mean, sometimes it's nice just to wallow in a bad mood. Getting in touch with your inner misanthrope is how I like to think of it. The only problem is sooner or later I'm going to have to leave the room, either to get a drink or go to the loo. Or, if I suffer some kind of fit of efficient time management, perhaps both on the same trip*.
Now, I generally have no objection to leaving the room. However, such a manoeuvre always entails the risk of 'people'. They get everywhere, I find. And sometimes I just want to avoid them. I mean, how are you supposed to maintain a mood of idle self-indulgence, when you have to indulge others, by saying 'Hello', or even smiling. Or worse, engaging in conversation. Oh, and most ruinous of all there's the risk of being 'cheered up'. Not even forcibly, sometimes it just happens. Quite unexpectedly, despite all reasonable resistance. Like death. Or, for that matter, life, I suppose.
So, what to do?
Well, I guess, sooner or later, that decision will be taken from me. So, that's some consolation, I suppose - at least I'll be saved decision making :)
Or should that smiley have been the other way up? I can't decide.
[Sighs] It's hard being me**.
*No, not like that. That would be disgusting. Though quite good for the immune system, apparently.
**OK, clearly it's not. But, hey, I did say I was in a bad mood - groundless self-pity's half the fun of it.
UPDATE: Apparently, Patroclus was also feeling moody earlier. Two people probably doesn't count as a meme, does it?